Tuesday, August 7, 2012

FarmVille Unicorn Island is Here!

FarmVille Unicorn Island Arrives! This feature will allow you to construct your own magic floating island on your farm where your unicorns and pegacorn can live!

FarmVille Unicorn Island Parts
Enchanted BlossomRainbow CloverHeart of Gold

Once you complete your FarmVille Unicorn Island, you can place up to 20 Unicorns on it!


FarmVille Unicorn Island Lab

To Start Making Unicorn And Pegacorn, CLICK HERE FOR THE JEWEL COMBINATIONS!

Question: Can I Place Unicorn Island On Any Farm?
Answer: Yes, definitely!

Question: Can I place existing/past unicorns/pegacorn on Unicorn Island?
Answer: Yes, You can place old Unicorns/Pegacorn inside the Unicorn Island! 

1 comment:

  1. wow! you are excellent!
    good Job! very great farmer!
    Hope we are friends... I need your help blog owner


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